Clive Blacker
A quick chat with Agricultural business owner, Clive Blacker
Clive, from Yorkshire, graduated with a HND (now FdSc) Agriculture. His business, Precision Decisions, supplies farmers with a total solution for precision farming, from hardware and software to agronomic advice.
How did university help your career?
My experience at Harper Adams, having the ability and techniques to research, and asking when unsure, certainly helped in setting up the business. The skills and contacts I developed are also invaluable.
What advice do you have for others wanting to set up a business?
I’d recommend setting up a business - being your own boss, know you are helping others, and having the ability to pioneer are all high points. My advice is to be clear about what you want to do, do not be frightened to ask for help and advice, research the topic and be clear about your business objectives and cash flow.”
Why did you choose to study at Harper Adams?
I thought it offered fantastic facilities with a good reputation, an applied course well balanced with academic knowledge, and great opportunities.
Where did you work during placement?
Graham Howes, a 500 acre mixed arable farm in Hertfordshire. I was a general worker, having the opportunities to experience most farm operations.
You set up your own business in 2004?
Yes, it’s called Precision Decisions, and is a leading national and international supplier of precision farming solutions.
Why did you decide to set up independently?
I saw a market opportunity which was not being filled by anyone else.
What is the best thing about running your own business?
The ability to be your own boss and know you are helping others, and having the ability to pioneer.
Describe a typical day
There is no such thing as a typical day; it could be a day on the road talking to potential clients, or a day trading new customers on the use of new techniques and technology. Or helping existing customers realise new goals and potential of their equipment.